Sigsum brings transparency to the way in which signing keys are used. No signature that an end-user accepts as valid goes unnoticed because it is included in a public log.

Wait a second, I did not sign anything in the middle of the night. My key must be compromised.

The ability to say with confidence what signatures exist makes Sigsum a useful building block. For example, consider an open-source software project that claims there are no secret releases. By incorporating the use of Sigsum, any release not listed on the project website can be detected.

You claimed each release would be listed on the project website. Where is the release for signature 7d86…7730 that appeared in the log? As you can see it was created using your release key.

For security, Sigsum’s transparency has been designed to resist a powerful attacker that controls:

Why not give Sigsum a try? There is a getting started demo on key-usage transparency.